اختبارات التربة والتحاليل الجيوتقنية

نقدم خدمات موثوقة لمشاريع البناء مع تصميم سهل الاستخدام.

من نحن

موقع بنيان الأرض منصة متخصصة في اختبارات التربة والتحاليل الجيوتقنية، نقدم خدمات موثوقة لمشاريع البناء مع تصميم سهل الاستخدام.

Aerial view of construction site soil with distinct tire tread patterns and uneven terrain. The surface shows a variety of textures and shades, primarily composed of light earth tones.
Aerial view of construction site soil with distinct tire tread patterns and uneven terrain. The surface shows a variety of textures and shades, primarily composed of light earth tones.
A construction site featuring a large excavation with exposed soil and rocky layers. Wooden supports and barriers are used to secure the sides of the pit. In the background, temporary structures or containers are visible, along with safety barriers.
A construction site featuring a large excavation with exposed soil and rocky layers. Wooden supports and barriers are used to secure the sides of the pit. In the background, temporary structures or containers are visible, along with safety barriers.
A close-up view of a textured dirt surface with small rocks and pebbles embedded throughout. The soil appears compacted with visible fissures and cracks running across the surface.
A close-up view of a textured dirt surface with small rocks and pebbles embedded throughout. The soil appears compacted with visible fissures and cracks running across the surface.

احترافية وموثوقية

نحن نستخدم ألوانًا ترابية تعكس ارتباطنا بالتربة، مع تصميم متجاوب وصور عالية الجودة تعزز من تجربة المستخدم.

خدماتنا الجيوتقنية

نقدم اختبارات التربة وتحاليل جيوتقنية دقيقة لمشاريع البناء لضمان الجودة والسلامة.

اختبارات التربة

نقوم بإجراء اختبارات شاملة للتربة لتحديد خصائصها ودعم قرارات البناء.

A hand is pouring a pile of gravelly soil onto a beige surface. The soil is a mixture of variously sized pebbles and dirt, forming a small mound.
A hand is pouring a pile of gravelly soil onto a beige surface. The soil is a mixture of variously sized pebbles and dirt, forming a small mound.
تحاليل جيوتقنية

نقدم تحاليل دقيقة للمساعدة في تصميم المشاريع وضمان استقرارها على المدى الطويل.

استشارات متخصصة

نقدم استشارات فنية متخصصة لضمان نجاح مشاريع البناء وتحقيق أعلى معايير الجودة.
An aerial view of a construction site with a foundation layout. The site is surrounded by areas of dirt and soil, with a paved road running along one side.
An aerial view of a construction site with a foundation layout. The site is surrounded by areas of dirt and soil, with a paved road running along one side.
Close-up view of dark soil with small rocks and organic matter, featuring a mix of rough textures and varying shades of brown and dark gray.
Close-up view of dark soil with small rocks and organic matter, featuring a mix of rough textures and varying shades of brown and dark gray.

معرض الصور

استعرض صور اختبارات التربة والتحاليل الجيوتقنية لمشاريع البناء.

A large construction site featuring an excavator loading soil into a dump truck, with a background of sandy, excavated terrain. The scene suggests ongoing earthmoving or mining activity under a cloudy sky.
A large construction site featuring an excavator loading soil into a dump truck, with a background of sandy, excavated terrain. The scene suggests ongoing earthmoving or mining activity under a cloudy sky.
A soil profile is exposed with distinct layers of earth showing variations in color and texture. The top layer is dark brown, transitioning to a reddish-brown layer below, followed by darker strata. The scene includes wintry hills in the background and patches of ice or snow at the base.
A soil profile is exposed with distinct layers of earth showing variations in color and texture. The top layer is dark brown, transitioning to a reddish-brown layer below, followed by darker strata. The scene includes wintry hills in the background and patches of ice or snow at the base.
A large excavation site with a significant amount of earth removed, revealing a large, corroded metal pipe partially buried under soil. The surroundings are rough and uneven, with scattered construction debris such as wooden planks and cables. The walls of the excavation show distinct layers of soil and dirt.
A large excavation site with a significant amount of earth removed, revealing a large, corroded metal pipe partially buried under soil. The surroundings are rough and uneven, with scattered construction debris such as wooden planks and cables. The walls of the excavation show distinct layers of soil and dirt.
A hand wearing a red and white dotted work glove is holding a green moisture meter. The device, featuring a small display, is against a concrete background.
A hand wearing a red and white dotted work glove is holding a green moisture meter. The device, featuring a small display, is against a concrete background.

آراء العملاء

تقييمات موثوقة من عملائنا حول خدمات اختبارات التربة.

لقد كانت تجربتي مع شركة بنيان الأرض ممتازة، خدماتهم احترافية وسريعة.

علي السعيد
A large pile of dirt or soil with a clear blue sky in the background. The soil appears dry with visible clumps and rocks.
A large pile of dirt or soil with a clear blue sky in the background. The soil appears dry with visible clumps and rocks.


شركة بنيان الأرض قدمت لنا خدمات تحليل التربة بشكل احترافي، مما ساعدنا في اتخاذ قرارات بناء صحيحة.

A square drainage grate embedded in soil is visible with a diagonal grid pattern on its surface. The ground is dark and muddy with scattered leaves and small plants around it. A thin, light-colored line crosses diagonally, possibly a small crack or root.
A square drainage grate embedded in soil is visible with a diagonal grid pattern on its surface. The ground is dark and muddy with scattered leaves and small plants around it. A thin, light-colored line crosses diagonally, possibly a small crack or root.
فاطمة أحمد

